Elapsed Time

Shows the total elapsed time of travel since the last reset.

Elapsed time will increment when the ignition switch is in the RUN or START position.

Elapsed time is displayed as follows:

Elapsed time can be reset by pressing and holding the SELECT button (as prompted in the EVIC display). Upon reset all digits will change to zeros and time will start incrementing again if the ignition switch is in RUN or START.

    See also:

    Totally Integrated Power Module
    The Totally Integrated Power Module is located in the engine compartment near the battery. This center contains cartridge fuses, mini-fuses and relays. A label that identifies each component is ...

    Seat Belt Maintenance
    Do not bleach, dye or clean the belts with chemical solvents or abrasive cleaners. This will weaken the fabric. Sun damage will also weaken the fabric. If the belts need cleaning, use MOPAR Total ...

    A Word About Your Keys
    Your vehicle uses a keyless ignition system. This system consists of a Key Fob with Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter and a Wireless Ignition Node (WIN) with integral ignition switch. You c ...