Adding Washer Fluid

The windshield and rear window washers share the same fluid reservoir. The fluid reservoir is located in the front of the engine compartment. Be sure to check the fluid level in the reservoir at regular intervals. Fill the reservoir with windshield washer solvent (not radiator antifreeze) and operate the system for a few seconds to flush out the residual water.

When refilling the washer fluid reservoir, take some washer fluid and apply it to a cloth or towel and wipe clean the wiper blades, this will help blade performance.

To prevent freeze-up of your windshield washer system in cold weather, select a solution or mixture that meets or exceeds the temperature range of your climate. This rating information can be found on most washer fluid containers.

Commercially available windshield washer solvents are flammable. They could ignite and burn you. Care must be exercised when filling or working around the washer solution.

    See also:

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