Edit Uconnect™ Phonebook Entries
• Editing names in the phonebook is recommended when the vehicle is not in motion.
• Automatic downloaded phonebook entries cannot be deleted or edited.
• Press the button to begin.
• After the “Ready” prompt and the following beep, say “Phonebook Edit”.
• You will then be asked for the name of the phonebook entry that you wish to edit.
• Next, choose the number designation (home, work, mobile, or other) that you wish to edit.
• When prompted, recite the new phone number for the phonebook entry that you are editing.
After you are finished editing an entry in the phonebook, you will be given the opportunity to edit another entry in the phonebook, call the number you just edited, or return to the main menu.
“Phonebook Edit” can be used to add another phone number to a name entry that already exists in the phonebook. For example, the entry John Doe may have a mobile and a home number, but you can add “John Doe’s” work number later using the “Phonebook Edit” feature.
See also:
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