Conference Call

When two calls are in progress (one active and one on hold), press and hold the indicating that the two calls have been joined into one conference call. button until you hear a double beep indicating that the two calls have been joined into one conference call.

    See also:

    Rear Door Removal (Four-Door Models)
    WARNING! Do not drive your vehicle on public roads with the doors removed as you will lose the protection that they can provide. This procedure is furnished for use during off-road operation only ...

    Weather Strip Care
    Lubricate the weather strips periodically with MOPAR Weather Strip Lubricant or equivalent, to keep them soft and pliable. ...

    Trailer Sway Control (TSC)
    TSC uses sensors in the vehicle to recognize an excessively swaying trailer and will take the appropriate actions to attempt to stop the sway. The system may reduce engine power and apply the brak ...