Elapsed Time

Shows the total elapsed time of travel since the last reset.

Elapsed time will increment when the ignition switch is in the RUN or START position.

Elapsed time is displayed as follows:


Elapsed time can be reset by pressing and holding the SELECT button (as prompted in the EVIC display). Upon reset all digits will change to zeros and time will start incrementing again if the ignition switch is in RUN or START.

    See also:

    Language Selection
    To change the language that the Uconnect™ Phone is using: • Press the button to begin. • After the “Ready” prompt and the following beep, say the name of the language you wish to swit ...

    Road Tire Installation
    1. Mount the road tire on the axle. 2. Install the remaining lug nuts with the cone shaped end of the nut toward the wheel. Lightly tighten the lug nuts. WARNING! To avoid the risk of forcing the ...

    Older Children And Child Restraints
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